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Driveway Sealing: Black Magic or Black Hole?

Talk to a half-dozen homeowners about whether or not it’s a good idea to periodically topcoat an asphalt driveway, and you’re likely to hear dissenting opinions. Some may call ...

Grill Central: Set Up the Envy of All Grill Stations

My childhood summers are defined by memories of an old charcoal grill, my ever-smiling father and a rainstorm that inevitably released its first drops as we stepped outside. My ...

Roof Care: Protect the Roof That Protects You

Every homeowner who dreads discovering that the roof overhead needs major repair or replacement hires a reputable standing seam roofing contractor. Roof work is a significant expense, and one ...

Garage Makeover: Transform it from Drab to Fab

Let’s be honest: Our garages are usually the last places we want to go when we’re home. Often, they’re a domain of disorganization and despair where all that enters gets ...

Spring Cleaning Hacks: Tips and Tricks to Make Chores Easier

With the arrival of spring comes the warmth and rejuvenation we have been longing for after months of winter. While we’d probably like to rush outside at the first signs ...

Chore Checklist: Maintenance To-Do Lists Keep Your Home Running Smoothly

As spring approaches to signal the end of another temperamental Virginia winter, homeowners are wise to make a list of house chores to accomplish before even thinking about good old-fashioned ...

Gadgets Galore: Get a Grip on Your Cooking Utensils to Make Your Kitchen More Efficient

Don’t you love watching those cooking shows where the chef is ready to mix his ingredients and a whisk appears out of thin air, and a split second later he ...

The Way We Were: Updating Decor For A Timeless Look

While many of us have experienced nostalgia for days gone by, few folks have “misty water-colored memories” of decorating fads like carpeted bathrooms or harvest gold appliances. In order to ...