Trish Roth

Fall is here in the Hill City, and it is by far my favorite season. From Friday night football to the changing of the leaves, the crisp cool air, cozying up by the fire, picking apples and pumpkins, I could go on and on. As we enter this season of gratitude, I want to thank our readers and advertisers for your overwhelming support in bringing HOME Magazine to James River Media. I have loved the feedback from readers who picked up our latest issue. It is extremely rewarding as well to hear how our advertisers are utilizing our various media platforms to successfully promote and grow their local businesses.
As we’ve been producing the fall issue, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of our Readers’ Favorites and getting to know more of the wonderful organizations and businesses that make HOME possible. The job of publisher is multi-faceted and incredibly detailed, and I learn something new every day. Yet, the people who contribute to this magazine are truly what makes it worthwhile. So, in the months to come, I look forward to getting to know more of you and to hear from you. If you have an idea for HOME, please reach out to me! Together, we’ll continue the lovely legacy that Julie began with HOME 15 years ago, and which gets better with every issue.
If you’ll allow me one final thank you: To Julie Pierce, who has been an amazing mentor. I have learned so much from her throughout the years, including her work ethic, relationships with her clients, and fearlessness to go for it. I’m humbled and proud to continue what she built here at HOME. I will be forever grateful we had that cup of coffee all those years ago. Best wishes, Julie, as you embark on your next chapter!
Trish Roth, Publisher