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Best Foot Forward: Spruce Up Your Sidewalk

Metaphorically, the walkway leading to the front door of your home is an invitation to ring that doorbell. If you’d like it to be more enticing then get in touch ...

Get Connected: Tips for Making the Most of Your Home Technology

Today’s technology consumers are more connected than ever; through our home computers, TVs, smartphones and more, we are literally never more than a fingertip away from the Internet. Here is ...

Solve Household Problems with Tools on Your Spartphone

I used to think apps were just games on my smartphone, meant for keeping kids entertained in carpool lines and waiting rooms. But once I started googling the subject, a ...

Good Moves: Shape Up, De-stress at Home

‘Tis the season of overindulgence, and I don’t mean dancing sugarplums and martinis at the office holiday party. I’m talking about an overindulgence of activities, errands and stress! Thankfully to ...

Maintenance Matters: Tips for Cleaning the Machines that Keep Us Clean

As contrary as it sounds, the machines that help keep us clean need to take a bath from time to time, too. A simple monthly cleaning routine, using basic ...

Money Buckets: Managing Retirement Investments

Buckets. Whether they’re used out in the garden, in the closet next to the mop, in the garage for storage, or even decorative buckets as interior décor … they ...

Mood Makers: Simple Touches Set The Tone

The food is ready, the drinks are chilled, and your house is as clean as it’s going to get. This party prep is certainly important, but at the end of ...

Yard Sale Adventures: Finding Treats and Treasures

Everyone needs a good pick-me-up once in awhile—a simple reward for finishing that big assignment at work, for getting the kids to bed on time, or just surviving a stressful ...