Dream Closets -Where Glamour Meets Organization August 31, 2009 Amy Coutee In movies, the closets are always filled with flawlessly folded sweaters, jewelry is nestled in velvet-lined... Continue reading
WILD ABOUT WALLPAPER Hot Trends in Cool Paper June 3, 2009 Amy Coutee Toss those stiff old paintbrushes and half-empty paint cans buried in your garage. Go ahead and do... Continue reading
Opening Your Doors to Fun and Fundraising June 2, 2009 Alison Cox Bad loans, bailouts, foreclosures, layoffs… reports of the grim state of our economy are front... Continue reading
POMME D’AMOUR Why We Love The Love Apple June 2, 2009 Trish Roth Did you know the tomato, that hard-working staple of culinary culture, was first known as the pomme... Continue reading
KEEP IT COOL Options For Shade From Summer Sun June 1, 2009 Patricia C Held “I’ll be waiting for you in the shade of the old apple tree,” wrote Harry Williams in the 1905 song... Continue reading
Home Office March 1, 2009 Trish Roth By Ashley Blanchard The afternoon light is spilling through the window while I sip hot tea and check... Continue reading
Smart Homes March 1, 2009 Amy Coutee By Amy Coutee Certainly there are beautiful, warm and inviting homes all around us. But then... Continue reading
Fragrance Garden March 1, 2009 Trish Roth By Erin Parkhurst The smell of warm pine needles returns me to the Midwestern summers of my childhood... Continue reading
Designing Woman March 1, 2009 Jennifer L Prince By Jennifer L Prince Nancy Lewis, potter Many of us long for creativity in our everyday lives by fancying... Continue reading
Fanciful, Functional Coffee Tables December 31, 2008 Meridith Ingram by Meridith Ingram “This is a story that must be told,” implored Cosmo Kramer to his friends on “Seinfeld,”... Continue reading