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CATALOG IT!: How to create a home inventory

After disaster strikes, the last thing homeowners want to worry about is trying to determine the worth of their stolen or damaged property. It’s probably safe to say that most ...

Southern SPREADS: Special Ingredients for Light Summer Meals

Summer in the south is a state of mind. We grow our own vegetables (or get stellar choices at the farmers market). We move a little slower, and drink mind-boggling ...

Best In Brunch

In the spring there are plenty of occasions for brunch; Mother’s Day and Easter are the two that come to mind, but there are always baby showers and wedding showers ...

Buckle Up, Tidy Up: Stay Organized While Living on the Go

Each spring, we get to go to a convention for my spouse’s job. It’s always held at an elegant hotel, a few hours’ drive away. Upon our approach, we have ...

Around Town

Chatham Garden Club Hosts Historic Garden Day At Smith Mountain Lake For the first time since the early 1990s, Smith Mountain Lake will have homes and gardens on tour during ...

Snow Day Kitchen Play: Stock your Pantry for Easy Comfort Food

We all laugh at each other and ourselves each time snow is predicted. It seems to be a local covenant: Run to the store to buy bread and milk! (I’ve ...

What’s The Color Of The Year?: It Depends Who you Ask!

Each winter, various “authorities on color” declare the new must-have hues for the year ahead. Their selections are based on survey results from trend watchers, consumers, retailers, pop culture and ...

Gifts from the Kitchen: New Takes on Holiday Traditions

Picture the scene: December 20-something in the afternoon, your doorbell rings. You rush to the door expecting a uniformed delivery person, bringing that last, most important gift you ordered for ...